Rainbow Pride

Happy Pride Day!
Today was the big Pride Parade in Chicago, attended by an estimated 1 million—a larger and more jubilant celebration than usual, owing to the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down DOMA earlier this week.

We may have celebrated a little differently out here in the ‘burbs—Charlotte, for example, “got her pride on” with a rainbow manicure—but celebrate, we did.

Jack Hunter’s New Yorker Cover

Speaking of the Supreme Court’s decision re DOMA, for those of you who haven’t seen it yet online, there’s a wonderful New Yorker cover hitting the stands this week that you may want to look out for. The illustration was created by my Blown Covers friend, Arizona-based illustrator Jack Hunter. You can read more about it here.

What are Blown Covers? Last year, Francoise Mouly, the New Yorker’s art editor, ran a weekly (later monthly) contest on a Tumblr blog, inviting artists to submit cover illustrations—concept sketches vs. final artwork preferred—on assigned themes. The blog was designed to help publicize a new book Francoise had published on rejected (AKA “Blown”) New Yorker cover artwork. For me and many other artists, it was a fun, creative sandbox to play in (both with each other and Francoise), and an excuse to create some new samples. And while there was no prize for winning, and no print publishing rights granted or purchased, the blog was a nice venue for participating artists like me to have our work seen by a different/wider audience.

Jean Tuttle Blown CoverWhile the contest no longer runs (and the website appears to be down at present), a web-archived version of the original Blown Covers Gay Marriage Contest may still be viewable here. An earlier version of Jack Hunter’s “Bert & Ernie” cover was the winner. Runners-up include a really nice image of two women about to kiss by Gayle Kabaker (whose work later appeared on another gay marriage-themed New Yorker cover, June Brides), and one of my own Blown Covers submissions, as well (shown to the left.)

You can also read more about The Blown Covers Contest on this doodle blog—filtered through our cat Charlotte’s point of view—and see some of my own past submissions here. (Keep in mind,  with the Blown Covers site not currently active, none of the links referring to the site will work. There is, however, a gallery of my own Blown Covers submissions on my website.)

Meanwhile, congratulations again, Jack! A landmark occasion…a fantastic illustration…and one of my very favorite New Yorker covers ever!

About Jean Tuttle

Jean Tuttle is a Chicago-area illustrator, designer, and doodler.
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6 Responses to Rainbow Pride

  1. Richard Moseson says:

    I enjoyed reading this Jean. It was fun to look through the gay entries, including Jack’s original entry, and revisiting your blown cover entries. So much talent.

    • Jean Tuttle says:

      Thanks, Richard!

      Incidentally, Jack Hunter (deservedly) won the Blown Contest more than once. The first time I even became aware of the site or the contest, Jack’s entry on the theme “Spring” was being featured in the #1 slot. It’s another one of my faves, showing a just-out-of-hibernation bear, in robe and slippers with coffee, coming out to sniff the spring air on the steps of an NYC townhouse, amidst several months’ worth of accumulated newspapers. Brilliant and charming.

      Here’s the link to that image on Jack’s blog: http://jackhunter-sketchbook.blogspot.com/2012/03/im-blown-away-my-blown-covers.html

  2. Jean, I love this doodle. Charlotte is very lovely in her rainbow colors and the mice are so sweet. And yes it is such a nice time for gay pride. Thank goodness. At long last.


    • Jean Tuttle says:

      Thanks, Andrea!

      I’ve been enjoying seeing photos posted on Facebook by my NYC friends of the Empire State Building all decked out in rainbow colors. In my era living there, they had just started lighting it up with colored lights to acknowledge different holidays, and I think maybe had started lighting it lavender or pink for Gay Pride…but it was nowhere near as spectacular as this.

      Hope you and Dennis and the furry ones are all fabulous. Happy Fourth!

  3. Awesome Jean – I love this!

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